Who am I?
Where have I come from?
Where am I going?
Identity Literacy is a set of abilities which enable us to navigate the development of our identities more effectively to build resilience, engagement and belonging.

1: Integrate
The ability to assess and critically incorporate the cultural knowledge we encounter into the way we see and understand ourselves.

2: Reflect
The ability to recognize how our personal and group identities drive our behaviors, choices, and attitudes towards others.

3: Adapt
The ability to adapt personal and group identities to overcome challenges, resolve conflicts, manage prosocial relationships, and self-actualize.
Identity capital is the advantage gained through the reflexive capacity to articulate a narrative of self. (Warin, 2013: 689)

The Organization for Identity and Cultural Development is an international network NGO applying diverse academic insights on human identity across various sectors, including social work, education, community cohesion and conflict transformation. Over two decades in operation, we have provided training to staff and officials from NGOs, government and private sectors.
Given the many challenges facing our societies - from mental health crises and increased polarization to large-scale migration - the OICD has set identity education as a core programming priority.
We provide 3 levels of services to enable teachers and schools to implement best practices in identity education, as recommended by the latest research.

A one-hour course designed to provide busy educators with a simple tool to increase engagement and empathy in their classroom.
7 Steps to Engagement Using Mind Mapping

This one hour expert-led training introduces a 7-step technique refined by academics and practitioners in identity research to help transform engagement, build an inclusive classroom, improve relationships and celebrate diversity.

A flagship program designed for the most comprehensive skills acquisition in Identity Literacy.
Identity Literacy Program for Educators

9 real-world classroom application challenges to master identity education. Backed by decades of academic research, and delivered in a way that synchronizes with your school priorities and capacities.

Ongoing implementation support through a wide range of self-study, workshops, consultations and audits.
Implementation Training and Content

Live and prerecorded identity education workshops and self-study content.

One to one consultation to resolve specific problems and help develop contextual policies and strategies - in class, as a whole-school approach, or in building community-level cohesion.

Take a deeper look at your policies and practices to understand how priorities can be achieved.
Empowering students through evidence-based practices to explore self-concepts, feel connected with others, and fulfil their potential in life.
Engagement & Attainment:

Well delivered identity education has been shown to increase student engagement and attainment by enabling teachers to develop targeted lessons that tap into students’ sense of self and adapt the content to be relevant and meaningful to them.
Safeguarding & Resilience Building:

It enables earlier identification of young people at risk and provides evidence-based strategies to build resilience against peer-on-peer harm, sexual and criminal exploitation and bullying, enhancing the school’s capacity to fulfil safeguarding responsibilities.
Inclusive Classroom Culture:

This approach draws on a broad range of human sciences, including anthropology, neurobiology, political sciences, and social psychology. We bring these insights together to create effective classroom practices that build, empower, and facilitate a strong sense of belonging.
Community Cohesion:

With mass migration displacing millions and increasing polarization, education will play an important role in enabling the next generation to navigate differences, embrace newcomers, and build bridges across diverse communities.
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